Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Lash Envy

It is very rare that you ever meet a girl who does not want to have bigger, better and more beautiful eyelashes. This is why women spend, spend, spend on mascara and buy into each new promise that is made by the cosmetic companies.

Enter Latisse. Originally a medication which was used to help treat patients with glaucoma, doctors noticed the Latisse formula caused users eyelashes to grow fuller and longer. So, the drug company then turned around and marketed it to women as a product to stimulate eyelash growth (remember the commercials with Brooke Shields?) Sounds great right? Wrong.

Firstly you need a prescription for Latisse and on top of that it averages $140 in Canada for a teeny-tiny supply. Seems hopeless right?

The fabulous Canadian L'Oreal has come out with a last boosting serum and guess what? IT WORKS!

I have been using it (not even religiously) and I definitely can see the difference.

Maybe I am seeing things, right? Maybe I am making myself see what I want to see? Wrong again. Even my boyfriend, without me prompting him, commented on my lashes looking overly voluptuous sans mascara. This is a testament to the power of this product as straight men notice next to nothing.

Get it. try it. love it.

Oh, and it's around 20 dollars. Your.welcome.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Bonjour Mes Amis...

I must confess, I am a sucker for aesthetics. Anything that comes in a cute and pretty package pretty much has to be mine. So, imagine my delight at the site of these cute confectionery treats!

They are called Macarons and are a delicious little treat for they eyes and the mouth from France. They are little meringue sandwiches, slightly crisp on the outside and a bit chewy on the inside with some little treat in between the two sides ( think jam, caramel, lemon compote, etc)

They are tiny, adorable and just the right amount of sweet for a little pick me up.

I have decided to try and track down the best one in the city. My journey has just begun and I am enjoying the challenge. So far La Bambouche has put up some stiff competition, but I wont declare them the winner until I have checked out all the competition.

Don't they just make you want to put on some white gloves and throw a little tea party?

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Don't you love how one day there are no leaves on the trees at all, then what seems like very the next morning you look out into a sea of big beautiful green leaves everywhere.

It makes the world feel like magic again.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


The day is starting to look up right now. Not only because the sun is finally starting to come out, but because today is the day that I discovered LATFH.

If you don't know what that stands for, you are a about a year behind on discovering this little gem. It stands for look at this fucking hipster, and its an ever growing of priceless snapshots of hipster idiocy.

Here is a little preview of what you see, but please go to the site, because the captions he adds are the icing on the cake.

I think I will do some hipster hunting this weekend and send in my pics.


Someone recently pointed out to me that I often use the world of social media to articulate my negative opinions, so today I will do the opposite:

The smell of Irish Spring soap in the morning makes me happy.